The Benefits of Using Custom RFID Wristbands


Radio frequency identification, also known as RFID, is one of the most common identification methods in use today. RFID chips are generally very small, and consist of a chip and antenna that carries around 2,000 bytes of data. RFID serves exactly the same purpose as the magnetic strips that are found at the back of ATM cards and bar codes that are mainly used for identification purposes. RFID is a unique identifier that can be used to highlight any object. In order to retrieve the information within an RFID chip, a scanner must be used.

Custom RFID wristbands offer a variety of different benefits. Whether you need to host a particular event or want to create an identification system for all the employees in the workplace, using RFID wristbands is a great idea. They offer plenty of advantages over conventional identification systems. Here are just some of the many reasons why custom RFID bands are a great option.

Quick Processing

One of the biggest benefits of using custom RFID bands is that they are very easy to process and scan. You don’t need to spend a great deal to process the card. A simple swipe is all that it takes to scan the card. In fact, modern RFID scanners are capable of scanning up to 120 RFID bands within a minute. You don’t even need to swipe the card; just put the card in front of the scanner in order to scan the code. You will hear a beep as soon as the card has been scanned.

Employee Attendance

Knowing about the whereabouts of your employees is also very important in the workplace. If you have RFID scanners, the employees can simply scan their cards before leaving. The scanner will automatically record the time of the employee coming in or going out of the place.

Cost Effective

RFID scanners are also extremely cost effective. If you are looking to install an identification system in your workplace or for any event, opting for RFID scanners is a great idea. The technology is becoming more common nowadays, which means that prices are falling by the day. If you are looking for an affordable identification solution, opting for RFID wristbands is a great idea.


RFID wristbands are also quite durable. These wristbands can easily withstand pressure and are also water resistant to some extent, so you don’t have to be very careful when you have one on. RFID wristbands can greatly improve the identification systems in the workplace.

Easy Implementation

If you are looking to replace the existing identification system in your workplace, RFID is a great option. It is very easy to implement throughout the place and can be installed within the space of a few days. You can just upload information on the scanners and connect a computer to update the database. RFID systems are a great option for use in multinational corporations, warehouses and small workplaces.

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