Is 3rd Party Inspection China required? When you have an internal quality check


You would have undoubtedly heard the term of third-party inspection. In business, this term is common. However, some of you are familiar with it, and rest still has doubts in their minds about third party inspection services. Most of the companies in China and all over the world do their own quality check and internal audit. Hence you may think that China being a manufacturer for the world, doesn’t need any third-party services. But 3rd party inspection China is absolutely necessary.

This post will clear all doubts about TPI or third-party inspection and why it is different from internal audits.

What is a Third-Party Inspection?

TPI is the need for every company, and it is more important if yours is a manufacturing one. Third-party inspection is the critical and analytical inspection or test performed by a qualified company by taking all the industry standards into account.

How is it different from internal audits?

Generally speaking, it is common that we cannot be able to see the faults of ours while we can identify others and vice versa. This is the nature of humans, and you cannot help with that. But you can gain many things with this characteristic of humankind. You might ignore or wouldn’t notice some of the defects of your company, but if qualified professionals can quickly identify the things and you can able to correct it.

How are they different?

The third-party companies can critically perform the quality check because of the below reasons.


A third-party quality check is hired by the buyer with the intention of proper auditing. Hence the independent company can thoroughly check all the details and processes of your business. They ensure to check the quality standard, international quality standard and also verify your company is aligned with the environmental policies.


For getting any critical reviews, you have to take help from the impartial persons. For business hiring, a TPI will do the job. The other two types of quality checks will have some interest, and they may become biased. I am talking about first-party quality checks by manufacturer and second party checks by the customers. But TPI will not do not have any biases; hence they can provide a fair review for your processes.


When it comes to TPI services, they are highly qualified, and they know everything related to quality. The 3rd party Inspection china company has an AQSIQ certificate, so you no need to worry about their quality of workings. They are more knowledgeable, expert, and, most importantly, the experience. The day to day operation of them is to do quality checks. Hence you can able to identify small mistakes also.

When is it most needed?

  • Purchasing premium and high-value equipment
  • Dealing with new suppliers
  • To identify the issues on a real-time basis
  • If you see the repetitive quality issues in any of the departments etc.

Indeed, TPI is the need of the hour for all the undertakings, but if it is a manufacturing unit, then it is a must.

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