Keeping Your Employees Compliant with Fire Safety Courses


In Australia, it is required by law and legislation for all employees to receive fire training. However, many businesses fail to learn about these obligations until after the worst has happened. To help keep businesses compliant, the right companies offer fire safety courses that will ensure your employees have the training they need to handle any situation. Look for companies that understand the law and the requirements faced by your employees. By keeping your company compliant in every way you can help to prevent the poor safety systems that might result in fines, and even imprisonment.

Maintaining Safety

Fire safety courses are crucial, and you act in your favour by hiring a reputable company to help build a system that allows you and your co-workers to maintain a safe workplace. One of the first defences against a serious issue is knowledge, and these short, cost-effective courses will give you all the information you need to succeed. Whether you own a small business or a state-wide corporation, taking these courses and ensuring your employees take them too, will save you a great deal of trouble in the long run.

There are many acts and standards that mandate compliance within Australia, and each one has specific obligations you need to follow. The Work Health and Safety Act of 2011, Australian Standard 3745:2010 (Planning for Emergencies in Facilities), and Australian Standard 4083:2010 (Planning for Emergencies – Healthcare Facilities) are just a few of them, making it extremely important that you hire a professional to educate your employees. It is the job of such a company to know and understand such laws and standards, and train you in whatever you need to know to become compliant. Safe Response warden training is an example of one such company and one of the courses available.


The right companies have the experience to handle emergency procedures of all kinds, and this type of experience is the only way to truly gain expertise. Your employees will profit from this experience and leave the training session with a stronger understanding of the law and standards, knowing what to do in the event of an emergency. During the course, you may be surprised to learn that some of the practices maintained in your office are unsafe. This is your chance to alter these practices to keep your employees safe.

Short Yet Effective

The right companies do not simply offer a 60-minute PowerPoint presentation and then leave your employees alone with a mountain of information. Instead, expect a three-hour training session in your office that utilises simplicity and interesting information that is designed to capture your staff. By the time you complete the session, learn about the safety issues in your office, and address them, you will truly appreciate the importance of safety in the workplace. The practical skills offered in these courses will keep your employees protected and your company free of any fees or legal trouble. Therefore, this is not something you should put off or push to the side. When compliance is involved, calling the right professionals is your best choice.

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