What is the Difference Between Full and Partial Dentures?


Dentures are used to replace missing teeth, and it is one of the essential procedures to help people get over their dental issues. It helps to replace the missing area with a tooth-like structure and allows them to restore their smile. There are, however, two types of dentures: full and partial. If you are unaware of these two types of dentures, then you are at the right place. In this article, we will discuss what is the difference between full and partial dentures

Suppose you want to know professionally about the difference between the two dentures in Easton. In that case, you can visit Easton, MA dentist to know the exact difference between the two dentures. 

What is Partial Denture? 

When we talk about partial dentures, then it is recommended for people who have healthy teeth but have one or some missing teeth. Thus, it is recommended for those people who do not require the removal of their natural teeth and can use partial dentures to replace the missing tooth. It is an effective solution for those people who only have one or two missing teeth. So, in this case, they can keep their natural teeth intact and use partial dentures to treat the missing area. 

What is a Full Denture? 

Complete dentures are recommended for people who have lost almost all of their natural teeth. In this, the dentures are fixed in the lower or upper teeth, and if there are any natural teeth left between them, then they are extracted for proper positioning of the dentures. It is risky when you have to remove your natural teeth; therefore, you must discuss this with your doctor effectively before making any decision.

How Does the Denture Procedure Work?

Dentures contain a gum-looking base, which is made up of a plastic resin and is fitted with the remaining ridge. Supports the teeth. A prosthetic tooth is attached to its base, which provides a customized look and function to the natural tooth. It can stay in position mainly due to the suction created by the close fit over the alveolar ridges. These dentures are primarily fitted in the upper jaw to provide extra support to the large surface areas of the teeth. Patients would take time to adjust to the dentures and their habits. 

So, these are some of the fundamental differences between the full and partial dentures. You should consult an expert doctor to know which denture will suit your condition. 

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